Apr 3, 2016

I'm not an atheist. I Believe

In books, beads and rocks
For long we have sought Thee,
Little did we know
Thee is in you and Thee is in me.
We've paid huge amounts
and sailed through seas,
Looked at the right doors
Searched for the wrong keys.
We are convinced of His Great Power
How he knows and how he handles,
Wouldn't he help you if you didn't offer
Those flowers, notes or candles?
Men aid one another
That's how it works till day,
So why did we think a figure above
with a halo has anything to say?
I'm not an atheist,
I do believe.

1 comment:

  1. Yup he will know even if we don't give flowers or candles.

    But ancient method of communication to society has been through such places.. they have significant role in telling us way of life. And that the thee in us is all around us.

    Good one vashy.. u have more depth in ur words.
