The strong skeleton of our freedom fighter’s bodies, the oxygen of all patriotic species, the ink in every writer’s feather, the most sharing mother we all belong to; yes our very own Mother India , the great land of the great people. Each of us born here are strongly rooted to her land of miracles. When we look back and actually see our life in the past, we can now realize that every thing, event and situation has taken its place in its own best way at the best time with the most appropriate people around.
As a responsible and grateful child, the only gift we can give her in return is gratitude and a promise that we shall always stick to the culture she taught us and always support her at any point of time. Many of the people born here fly abroad these days keeping the biggest misunderstanding in mind that the other countries are far more developed and a more civilized nation. But what they don’t keep in mind is that they are the very cause for our country’s slow development or rather stopped development. Shifting or running away is not the solution. Moreover, people from all countries visit this land of beauty today; then why roam the world when the world comes to your doorstep!!!
Another plus point we must spread is our strength in SPIRITUALITY. Education is still on its way but it is our duty to broaden that stream. Young talents need to be recognized in limelight rather than working in factories or dangerous places. Child labour harasses not only the poor tender hands but also affects and spoils our country. We have heard and have had enough of people complaining about society and politicians; it is now the time to start ‘ACTING’ and stop ‘EXISTING’.
We the future and ancestors of our future must make our country a better, wealthier, happier and a healthier place to live in. it is finally in your hands to change aspects and beliefs of every individual about our country, use it wisely, effectively and in the best manner.
Make her proud again. By following our culture, we won’t transform or make her into something new but we will just bring back the real rich heritage ‘of her back to her’.
“ We were born here, crawled here, took our first step here, ran and even rode our first bicycle here, got educated here and all that we can return to her is the respectful promise that our children would do the same!!!
Smile a lot!
- Hemavashya
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